Your Home is Sold. Now What?

At this stage in the game you are probably very excited, and perhaps a bit nervous, but the deal isn’t over yet. Here are a few other things that need to be completed once your property is unconditionally sold.
The next decision you need to make is which lawyer will be representing you. If you don’t have a lawyer you already use, we are happy to provide you with the names and contact info of our trusted colleagues.

Once you have decided on a lawyer, our conveyancing department will provide them with all the necessary documents. They will make an appointment for you to come in and sign final paperwork, usually within 5 days of possession.
We will be by your property to put a sold sign up and to remove the lockbox. We will keep the key from the lockbox so that we can provide it to the new owners and their Realtor® on possession day. All other keys, garage door remotes, etc. can be left on the Kitchen counter for possession. The sign will be fully removed within 1-3 days of possession.
Whether you’re doing a self-move or hiring professionals, now is the time to start going through your things and deciding what will make the move, what is trash, and what can be donated or sold. Items that are non-essential can be boxed up so that as moving day gets closer, you have less items to pack.
You may find our handy ADDRESS CHANGE and PACKING CHECKLIST helpful.
We will typically schedule a walk-through of your home with you on the day prior to possession. This is to ensure that all inclusions are still in the home and that the property is left in the same condition as when the offer was signed.
On possession day, you and all your belongings will be required to be out of the home by no later than 12 Noon. We encourage you to leave the home in the condition that you would want to find it; clean, with no trash left behind.
Once the money from the sale has been received at the lawyer’s office, they will call our office and let us know that keys have been “released”. This means that the property now belongs to the new owners and the transaction is complete.  

Get In Touch

Kim Fox Real Estate Team

Phone: 403-343-3020


Office Info

RE/Max Real Estate Central Alberta

4440 49 Avenue  Red Deer,  AB   T4N3W6 

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